/ meDme Updates
12 August 2021 / meDme updates — Patch Number 9-1.8.1 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)
MEDME-5346 Investigate very long log in proccess for user
MEDME-5341 The TT export does not work for the Admins and Disc tree Admins when Teachers and Students access dates are set on the future dates
MEDME-5339 The IDM job results email is not send for the users
MEDME-5334 Creating new person role in the Structure module returns the 500 error after adding date of birth as the last parameter
MEDME-5330 "API for web site" returns 500 issue (https://medme.unibas.ch/api/public/department/796?source=NONE&page=0)
MEDME-5329 Last Uppdated not changed after running User Activity Job
MEDME-5327 Cyclical update of students assigned to more than one study year during the students import
MEDME-5325 The user token expires after 5 minutes (should be 1h)
MEDME-5296 Exclude students having value for Studiengang text other than Bachelor Medizin / Humanmedizin / Zahnmedizin and Master Medizin / Humanmedizin from distributedStudents file on students import execution and fix the distribution algorithm