/ meDme Updates
9 December 2022 / meDme updates — Patch Number V14-1.13.11 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)
Patch notes - MedMe - V14-1.13.11
Bugs fixed:
MEDME-6781 [Support] Mark IdM ROle field as having an invalid value with a red border
MEDME-6782 [Support] Error 400 appears and the data is not saved after filling in mandatory fields and clicking next on the Person details on thee UM
MEDME-6793 [Support] Error 500 after passing to the Honor tab a student with an external co-reviewer and recommended for honors. The same error appears after exporting the ‘recommended for honors’ form
MEDME-6803 [Support] Remove the ‘Privat’ text from the ‘Private Email’ name of a field on the Business Adress section on the Registration and User Management field
MEDME-6812 [Support] PubMed Import: Publication with PubMed ID already exists
MEDME-6823 [Support] “Students Import” job is Failed due to the conflict of following person roles
MEDME-6836 [Support] Page is broken after login as a commission member/lead