/ meDme Updates

8 July 2021 / meDme updates — Patch Number 8-1.7.12 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)

MEDME-5180 Job to notify reviewers on pending requests. Valid_to value is not updated for reviewer_notification on job runs, which means reviewers will received mails daily.

MEDME-5179 Job to notify reviewers on pending requests. The reviewer_notification remains after reviewer has declined the request.

MEDME-5178 User Registration. Role is not available after tab was closed and restored.

MEDME-5172  The structure is not added on the User Management module

MEDME-5149 The system creates a DT element even if the DT element has an appointment

MEDME-5138 People with the "Passive" value and\or has no dates "Eintritt / Austritt" are imported to the MedMe system after DBM job

MEDME-5183 User Management - Visibility of future person roles must be changed

MEDME-5176 Remove the " Export subjects catalog" button for generating the Stoffcatalog file from the TT 3-dot menu

MEDME-5169 Add the specific email for the Publications CI update and Auto update jobs

MEDME-5098 Update text formatting for the Stoffcatalog