/ meDme Updates
28 August 2023 / meDme updates — Release Number V17-1.16.0 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)
Release notes - MedMe - V17-1.16.0
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-7452 [Support] Error 400 appears. No error message after saving funding agency with the same name
- MEDME-7462 [Support] Structures. Correspondent E-mail field is taken from Correspondent address attribute in Export Person List
- MEDME-7468 [Support] 500 appears after deleting person on the structure
- MEDME-7471 [Time Table] scheduleAllIsOnlineMeetings job creats Zoom Room Meetings for appointments with GROUP_LIST/STUDENTS attandees
- MEDME-7472 [Support] Set the status to “Accepted by Reviewer” fot doctoral student
Tasks completed:
- MEDME-7427 [BE] Update other Zoom endpoints
- MEDME-7429 [BE] Implement new Authentication
- MEDME-7430 [BE] Update Zoom Room Meet endpoint
Story done:
- MEDME-7426 [FE] Remove E2EE