/ meDme Updates
27 March 2023 / meDme updates — Patch Number V16-1.15.5 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)
Release notes - MedMe - V16-1.15.5
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-7097 [Support] There is no separator ' between the amount of grand distribution on the export file
- MEDME-7170 [Support] In the export of publication to bib, endnote, and all others the comma between the name and prename is missing
- MEDME-7172 [Support] In the export of the doctoral module using the email from the correspondence address
- MEDME-7173 [Support] No action after clicking on the line of org. unit from detail
- MEDME-7176 [Support] 400 error appears after clicking ‘Close ticket’
Task completed:
- MEDME-7184 [Support] Disable student history on the quick search