/ meDme Updates
26 December 2022 / meDme updates — Release Number V15-1.14.0 (10:00 - 12:00 CET)
Release notes - MedMe - V15-1.14.0
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-6047 [Support] Doctoral Studies - Edit Promotion Dates - Adjustments in validation
- MEDME-6592 No navigation menu when logged in as non-admin user
- MEDME-6617 Wrong Phone Number data in response body in My PhD Committee tab
- MEDME-6657 500 status code when importing students
- MEDME-6658 Contact Email is null in My PhD Committee section
- MEDME-6659 User is duplicated in First/Second Supervisor dropdown list
- MEDME-6667 Recent Changes items on Submit/Resubmit are not sorted in correct order
- MEDME-6669 Wrong Location data is displayed in PDF document on page 2
- MEDME-6670 Wrong date format of End date of Doctorate in PDF
- MEDME-6671 Wrong data in Employment field in PDF
- MEDME-6674 UI issues in PhD submodule part 1
- MEDME-6676 Wrong data populated in Funding section in PDF
- MEDME-6677 Matriculation number with brackets
- MEDME-6678 PDF file content is not generated if "NOT IN LIST - Please Enter Manually" option is selected in First/Second Supervisor dropdown
- MEDME-6683 Contact Email and Phone Number data is not returned in response body
- MEDME-6684 Data in Supervisor Affiliation section is not saved in DB when Supervisor isImported : true
- MEDME-6686 Data for PhD Agreement deadlines is not sent in api request
- MEDME-6690 Supervisor Affiliation data of external supervisor is not deleted if internal supervisor comes from import file
- MEDME-6708 No sorting in Department, Other Institute/Company, Institute/Company dropdown lists
- MEDME-6709 No Search bar in Institute/Company (MAIN LOCATION OF CONDUCTING THE DISSERTATION section) dropdown list
- MEDME-6731 500 error when changing Supervisor from Internal to External and vice versa
- MEDME-6737 The date is always future on the Available Presentations
- MEDME-6741 The number of students has decreased significantly on the structure
- MEDME-6742 Some supervisor users from import file are not supervisors in medme system
- MEDME-6743 Booked presentation dates are not represented
- MEDME-6744 Wrong data in Supervisor dropdon list in Administrative Data
- MEDME-6745 The previous date is deleted after adding a new one on the Available Presentations
- MEDME-6747 PhD Students page in Admin View
- MEDME-6748 Person’s name is cut on the login me
- MEDME-6751 Wrong phdDocumentType is sent in Download Template request
- MEDME-6755 Booked slots of presentation date are not displayed in Admin View (Dates & Deadlines)
- MEDME-6756 Bugs related to the booked presentation on the PhD Presentations
- MEDME-6758 Research Proposal is marked as updated on Edit Contact after data is submitted
- MEDME-6761 Wrong max number of symbols for "Justification" field
- MEDME-6762 Wrong calculation of Research Proposal deadline for student
- MEDME-6767 No ‘Add dates’ button. After switching the year button appears in both years and remove all lines.
- MEDME-6768 The system don't save the changed number of presentations if there booked date
- MEDME-6769 Current date is dipslayed in the list of 5 upcoming dates
- MEDME-6770 The system display only old presentation - not new on the Available Presentations
- MEDME-6774 UI issues Administrative Data
- MEDME-6776 [Support] Microscopy IDM org. unit is duplicated on the structure module by Pascal Lorentz
- MEDME-6777 [Support] Error 400 appears after removing a person with an attachment
- MEDME-6785 Add scroll to the Aviable presentations section
- MEDME-6788 UI issues when browser window size is 100% zoom
- MEDME-6792 UI issues part 2
- MEDME-6794 ‘Submit’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons are cut on resolution 1440X796 on the ‘Add Deadlines’ pop-up
- MEDME-6796 Errors appear after changing or adding a date on the Start and Length tab on the console
- MEDME-6797 BE: Research Proposal can be submitted if selected Presentation Date <=Today
- MEDME-6799 Statuses info page is opened in the same tab when clicking on info button
- MEDME-6800 Email template issue
- MEDME-6802 Tooltip name does not correspond to uploaded file name
- MEDME-6809 "My Presentation Date" dropdown is scrolled together with the page
- MEDME-6811 Contacts from previous Supervisor is not fully cleared, when next Supervisor has no E-mail.
- MEDME-6844 UI issue when Enclosures files are uploaded
- MEDME-6848 "Confirm" button is enabled when file is not uploaded
- MEDME-6849 Semester is not taken into account when getting all deadlines
- MEDME-6850 Trash icon near passed presentation date with 0 booked slots is enabled.
- MEDME-6851 User is logged out when resubmitting task
- MEDME-6853 Bugs related to Doctoral improvements
- MEDME-6854 UI issue - wrong font weight in error messages
- MEDME-6855 Button text is not localized in English
- MEDME-6856 More than 20 presentation dates can be added for one year
- MEDME-6857 List icons are not aligned in presentation dates list
- MEDME-6858 Wrong text in error message
- MEDME-6859 Warning pop-up does not appear when presentation date is deleted
- MEDME-6873 [Support] meDme - Research Group Report - wrong name order
- MEDME-6874 Same date can be added to presentation dates
- MEDME-6884 500 error when generating reports
Tasks completed:
- MEDME-6180 Change request: Add field "Individual Graduation"(Einzelpromotion) into Student Info tab and update Diploma & Export Students as Table with new Promotion Date
- MEDME-6635 [Improvement] PhD All Views: Pages with documents - uploading via drag and drop
- MEDME-6754 [Change Request] PhD Student View: Adjust Supervisors identification
- MEDME-6808 [Change Request] PhD Student View: Research Proposal - Justification for publications and warning modal window
- MEDME-6817 [Support] Do not deactivate the person who has allow edit status false
- MEDME-6824 [Improvement] PhD Student View: PDF Generation for Cover Page - background color and file name
- MEDME-6846 [Improvement] PhD Student View: Administrative data - Change "Admin" to "PhD Administration"
Stories completed:
- MEDME-6147 Create PhD Student, PhD Admin, First Supervisor, Second Supervisor permissions
- MEDME-6148 PhD Admin view: "PhD Presentations" & "PhD Deadlines Setup" menu point view
- MEDME-6154 PhD Student View: Cover Page form (Administration Data tab) - initial submission/resubmission
- MEDME-6304 PhD Student View: PhD Agreement page - initial submission
- MEDME-6322 PhD Student View: PhD Research Proposal page
- MEDME-6331 PhD Student View: Study Overview
- MEDME-6363 Email Notifications for Admin about data updates
- MEDME-6397 PhD Student View: Cover Page & PhD Agreement PDF Generation
- MEDME-6459 Doctoral improvements Student view
Sub-tasks completed:
- MEDME-6168 BE Investigation: Check how Reviewer appears in Doctoral, how Reviewer is matched and saved in the DB
- MEDME-6169 BE: Create PhD Admin to manage PhD Studies
- MEDME-6170 BE: Create and save First Supervisor that is connected to the corresponding PhD Application
- MEDME-6171 BE: Create PhD Students DB, PhD Student permissions and PhD Application
- MEDME-6182 [Support] FE: Add field "Einzelpromotion" into Student Info tab + Update Student view with "Einzelpromotion"
- MEDME-6183 [Support] BE: Add field "Einzelpromotion" into Student Info tab and update Diploma & Export Students as Table with new Promotion Date
- MEDME-6242 UI/UX: PhD Admin view: "PhD Board Meetings" & "Deadlines set up" menu point view
- MEDME-6257 UI/UX: Create a PHD Student View - Cover Page form and PDF Example
- MEDME-6271 BE: Create POST end-point for PhD Presentations
- MEDME-6272 BE: Create GET endpoint for current & next years data PhD Presentations
- MEDME-6273 BE: Setup DB for PhD Presentations
- MEDME-6274 BE: PhD Presentations Dates PUT endpoint & DELETE for testing purpose
- MEDME-6275 BE: GET current & next semester data by year PhD Deadlines
- MEDME-6276 BE: Setup DB for PhD Deadlines
- MEDME-6277 BE: PUT Deadline Semester Data PhD Deadlines
- MEDME-6278 FE: Create the Dates & Deadlines page + permissions
- MEDME-6279 FE: PhD Presentations wizard
- MEDME-6280 FE: PhD Deadline wizard setup
- MEDME-6282 BE: Create Administration Data/Cover Page GET endpoint for Deadline, Doctorate, PhD Thesis, PhD Committee, Status: Name of the Status & Date
- MEDME-6285 BE: Create DB Design for Administration Data/ Cover Page for PhD Student
- MEDME-6286 BE: Button Submit/Resubmit Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6287 BE: Create PUT endpoint for 1st tab "Doctorate" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6288 BE: Create PUT endpoint for 2nd tab "PhD Thesis" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6289 BE: Create PUT endpoint for 3rd tab "My PhD Committee" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6290 FE: Create view of 1st tab "Doctorate" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6291 FE: Create view of 2nd tab "PhD Thesis" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6292 FE: Create view of 3rd tab "My PhD Committee" for Administration Data in PhD Student View
- MEDME-6293 FE: Set up permissions for PhD Student, layout for Administration Data/Cover Page, task section, PhD Studies menu point
- MEDME-6294 BE: Create and save Second Supervisor that is connected to the corresponding PhD Application
- MEDME-6299 BE: Generate a PDF for Administration Data tab (Cover Page&PhD Agreement)
- MEDME-6311 UI/UX: Create a PhD Agreement Student View (Submission & Resubmission)
- MEDME-6323 UI/UX: Create a PhD Research Proposal Student View (Submission & Resubmission)
- MEDME-6332 UI/UX: Create a Study Overview for Student View
- MEDME-6351 FE: Create access permissions
- MEDME-6352 FE: Create empty state view
- MEDME-6353 FE: Create PhD Agreement student view flow
- MEDME-6354 BE: Design DB for PhD Agreement
- MEDME-6355 BE: Create GET PhD Agreement data endpoint
- MEDME-6356 BE: Create GET Preview by Doc ID and GET Download Template endpoints
- MEDME-6357 BE: Create POST PhD Agreement submit and resubmit endpoints
- MEDME-6364 FE: Create access permissions for Research Proposal
- MEDME-6365 FE: Create empty state view for Research Proposal
- MEDME-6366 FE: Create Research Proposal student view flow
- MEDME-6367 BE: Design DB for Research Proposal
- MEDME-6368 BE: Create GET Research Proposal data endpoint
- MEDME-6369 BE: Create POST Research Proposal submit and resubmit endpoints
- MEDME-6370 BE: Create GET Download Template endpoint
- MEDME-6371 BE: Create GET and PUT Presentation date endpoints
- MEDME-6372 FE: Create Study Overview student view
- MEDME-6373 BE: Create GET Study Overview data endpoint
- MEDME-6471 FE: L10N Lokalization of the FE
- MEDME-6557 FE: Localisation
- MEDME-6567 FE: Localisation for the Study Overview
- MEDME-6574 FE: Change 1
- MEDME-6575 FE: Change 2
- MEDME-6576 FE: Change 3
- MEDME-6577 FE:Change 4
- MEDME-6578 FE: Change 5
- MEDME-6596 BE: Change 2 timeline
- MEDME-6606 L10N: Lokalization for th Doctoral improvements
- MEDME-6618 FE: Localisation
- MEDME-6619 FE: Localisation
- MEDME-6680 BE: Localised email templated
- MEDME-6685 FE: Add Drag&Drop functionality
- MEDME-6724 BE: GET Deadlines endpoint
- MEDME-6739 BE: Localisation for cover page
- MEDME-6753 FE: Make Study Overview the starting page for all PhD Students
- MEDME-6765 Link on the FAQ + fixes in the text
- MEDME-6810 FE: Implement supervisor changes on the front-end
- MEDME-6814 BE: create logic for Publication plan justification
- MEDME-6815 FE: create warning modal window
- MEDME-6816 FE: create view for the "No publications" and justification
- MEDME-6820 FE: extend info panel content
Patch V15-1.14.1
- MEDME-6820 [Support] Clear up the deadlines dates on the prod and pre-prod