/ meDme Updates
20 June 2022 / meDme updates — Patch Number V13-1.12.1 (18:00 - 19:00 CET)
Patch notes - MedMe - Version V13-1.12.1
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-6178 [Support] Error 500 when co-referent try to Accept/Return/Decline the thesis
- MEDME-6150 [Support] Only two semesters appears on the Anticipated submission
- MEDME-6098 [Support] The date from 09.03.2022 and earlier in logs is not displayed on the Change History
- MEDME-6050 [Support] BE: 400 on attempt to change effort category to F.1.1
Tasks completed:
- MEDME-6122 [Support] FE: Allow editing and deleting verified effort attachment of another person (in My Academic Activities module) by user having Effort Verification system behavioral attachment
- MEDME-5955 [Support] BE: Prepare personal and research activity jobs to switching back on